Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Princess Lily where the Rainbow Ends

Sometimes we stumble
Sometimes we fall
Sometime we feel silly
the search of rainbows...
often ends next to a lily
or nowhere at all.

This is a digitally drawn princess lily. I was shopping on day for garden flowers and I must admit that I am not a huge fan of lilies but this one sat there gently calling to me "love me...just love me." And I fell hard, now it is one of my favorite flowers. About this work: size: 15x10 Style: decorative media: digitally drawn

Monday, May 16, 2011

I haven't been on here in a while. I have been taking care of some personal stuff. They have found a large cyst within my spine and have been trying to figure out what we should do with it. Anyhow I am still drawing, painting and sculpting (less hours than I used to)but still going! I thank God for that so I thought I would share a bit of what I am doing. Three Graces is an old piece I did 25 years ago, I recently pulled it out and decided it needed to be re worked. I wish I had taken a before pic but as is par for the course I just dug right in!

My Steampunk/Cyberpunk series "Edge of Dysphoria" is alive and well, heck I am starting to identify with the women built with artificial parts! The Shepard Princess is the series latest edition.
The Shepard Princess
stood in solid resolve

the master of Dogma
refused to evolve

And then finally there is the endless struggle to keep the bunnies out of my kitchen garden. I had read some where that you can put a garden hose piece in your garden and move it around ever so often and rabbits and squirrels will mistake it for a snake and actually go no where near it. The article did not say that the hose had to be ugly! So you tell me is this scary? The bunnies think so!!

Quark the Yellow Garden Snake