Monday, October 31, 2011

The Empty Frame

I Read the other day Thomas Kincade has filed for bankruptcy. Less than a decade ago he was the top of the financial heap. Guaranteed I believe he was over managed by his agent, but I believe that the big picture, and the catalyst to his financial demise, lies in the trend of current culture to take art for granted. We don't invest in art or artists. Much of the population sees art as merely decoration for our homes and it's accessories. And we take it for granted. We have devalued it's role and romanticized it practitioners. We have come to embrace the role of starving artists, and the result is. They are leaving in droves. They gave up when they realized they could make more money, building picture frames and mat boards than creating the art they contain. If you don't think we will miss them let me ask you this...when was the last time you bought blank paper towels, napkins, t shirt. Not the same thing you say, and I would agree, the way design enriches your home and personal products... true art does enriches your life and soul.. It is important, support a LIVING artist this season. It will change your life and theirs.

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